Sunday, October 08, 2006

Thanksgiving Dinners Here and There

Yo. Yesterday was the Jakob Family Feast. Eric's mom has been cooking and baking all week in preparation for the event. Six pies, squash, turnip, stuffing, 2 turkeys, potatoes, carrots. I fared well until the pies came out later in the evening. They were YUMMY!!! Pumpkin, apple and berry. No one could resist. It was a good time - we got to see Jason and Julie and the kids. We all went to see 'Open Season' with the kids. I have never seen so many trailers before a movie - there were 7 at least.

1 comment:

ej said...

man... home has never looked so good. I mean the pictures are great and everything... but those pies?! I baked dinner for all 20 of the Canadians here. The turkey was huge. Humidity is a Grinch and stole my pies to mold though. Yuck.