Saturday, October 14, 2006

I lost my kid.

Yup. I lost Anders yesterday. We were at the Museum of Science and Tech with some friends and Anders is super-fast on his feet. He doesn't care where he's going, he just wants to run. I was chasing him for a while, always picking him up and carrying him back to the group. I turned for a minute to check on Konrad and when I turned around, Anders was gone. The museum has twists and turns everywhere so you can't see 5 feet in front of you. Three of us searched the entire section and couldn't find him so we told the employees with walkie-talkies. After about one minute, I got a little concerned - imagining some weirdo picking up a cute little blond kid. Eeekk!!! But he was found. He was at the trains - not even near us. All in all, it was less than 5 minutes but it was horrible. When I met him at the trains, I saw the faces of the other women around - wondering, how did you lose your 1 year old? Honestly, the kid runs like a madman. It was a scary time but I'm glad that he was safe and sound.

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