Monday, October 16, 2006

She's okay.

Yesterday, there was a big earthquake in Hawaii - and she's OK. I don't have her number memorized and I'm lazy like that, so I called the mom to see how things were in Hawaii. The earthquake was pretty scary, I hear. She was in bed when it happened. They felt the fist aftershock as well. E's on Oahu, though and the earthquake was on the Big Island. She still did not have power last night but things are ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was in bed. I was very angry because I though someone was rocking me away. I opened my eyes and my whole bed was rocking. It wasn't a violent shaking like I imagined earthquakes to be, just like you would rock someone awake.
It was such a new experience for me I didn't want to get out of bed, I just wanted to watch the walls and the bed and everything rock. Probably not too safe, but it's a mesmerizing experience. The aftermath was a little unnerving but all in all everything is fine. The power was out until this morning so I never got a chance to eat for about a day and a half. Nothing too serious though. Would be okay experiencing it again, as long as it's not any more fierce.
