Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Thanksgiving Dinner There

Here is a picture of my parents' home in Codrington. It's the bungalow with the coniferous tree out front. They've lived there longer than I've been alive. A long, long, long time. Their offer on another home on Manitoulin Island has been tentatively accepted so they'll be leaving their home and moving on to the farmhouse in the other photo. They're very excited about this move - they have exciting plans and they will be living near friends. Yay!!

We went to my parents home for Thanksgiving Dinner after visiting the others. Ken and Wendy made it, as well as Chris and her friend Betty Lou. Oh - there's also Molly. Dinner was lovely, of course. My mom went contrary to tradition and cooked a stuffed pork loin. Very nice. And of course the pies were there again. This time lemon, pumpkin and apple. Perfect. We discovered during this visit that a friend is actually growing kiwis outside of his home - here in Ontario. Crazy. We all wanted to see this marvel vut we couldn't make it over. Perhaps one day Eric will be successful in his attempt to try all fruits from bushes/plants. This takes some explanation, I suppose. While travelling, Eric will pick fruit off of any tree and try it - eat it. While walking down the boulevard in Monaco, he tried to pull the oranges and lemons off of the trees. While walking through a neighbourhood in Marseilles, he plucked some kind of berry off of someone's tree. This berry stained everything so there was no way Eric could proclaim innocence if a mad Frenchman ran out of his house shaking his hand or a stick at Eric. Yes, if there is any fruit of good report, he seeks after these fruits - including kiwis.

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