Sunday, October 01, 2006

Can house be organised with 2 young boys

Okay I think the short answer to this is yes. However, this is somewhat of an ignorant answer or at least in our case, not the best answer.

I was at Denny's last night (the post Gen. conference priesthood session ritual) with the boys and I put this question out to the gents. A member of the stake presidency started to say that it happened for them when his wife decided to stay home from work. I responded that Jenn has been home for a year and a half. Dont worry, I was sure to add that she is not the problem since it wouldn't be fair to expect the responsibility to be souly hers. I continued that she cleans and I clean often when I'm at home but that our house still looks like a disaster. He then admitted that he didn't have 2 boys so close together and offered that as the answer to our problem. I have to agree with him.

When I asked the question, I was looking for solutions to the problem rather than excuses to have a messy home but unless our efforts start producing some positive results, I'm going to have to believe its just not meant to be. Not meant to be that is unless we were to give up some of the peripheral responsibilities such as home teaching, preparing things for our callings at church, being diligent with employment responsibilities, forfeiting some of my leisure activities (this would be harder for Jenn since her leisure time seems to be even more limited) and above all, we would have to give up just spending good clean wrestling and gardening time with the kids.

So the long answer, I think is "sometimes" and would be qualified by adding that sometimes it is possible to keep a clean house with 2 little hellians running around but most of the time the cost is too great.



D said...

It could be done.
If you lived in a house with no furniture and no toys, everyone had only one outfit, and you ate all your meals at McDonald's.

What is stopping you?

Wendy said...

Now that I've seen the destruction first hand, I think it best for you to leave such a delusional fantasy as far away from your conscious self as possible!

jenjakob said...

Funny, Wendy. What? My boys destructive? What would give anyone that idea - perhaps the crayon on the wall, the pennies inside the sewing machine, the visits to the garbage can, crawling ontop of things to reach the candies on the cabinet, sharing apples with dogs... Oh well. It does seem pointless. As we speak, Anders hsa found a marker and is rifling through the garbage. EEEEKKKS!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think hiring a maid, nanny, butler and cook seem like a pretty good plan. That way they do the work, and we just play. As for myself, i've given up on the organization part, and simply focus on the superficial cleaning to reduce the comments of neighbours (and family). If all else fails, just take a powerwasher hose to the house and push it all out the front door on garbage day. Cheers.