Sunday, February 18, 2007

'Ur Ine' Trouble!

What's with the title? Well, tonight we had a notable event. Eric was putting Konrad to bed tonight while I folded some clothes in the living room. I hear Konrad crying, and crying - crying loud. After awhile, I decide to check on the situation. I go in the bathroom to inquire - 'What's going on?' Eric tells me - 'I peed on Konrad's head." How does this happen? Who does that? Eric explained that they were both urinating in the toilet at the same time. All was well until Konrad slipped and nearly fell into the toilet THUS the urine on the head. Poor Konrad was traumatized. Truly.

About the pictures -kids love playing in boxes and yes, my shirt is on backwards.

We had the sushi feast of Queens on Friday night. More sushi than my eyes have ever seen! And the cake made by Michelle and ... (French people who own Sucre et Sale) was absolutely yummy! Happy Birthday Angelina!!

I helped out with a 'Tarde Latina' lastnight. It was great fun. We had food from Colombia, Mexico and more. It was fun using my limited Spanish to cmmunicate with others. I love doing that. I only wish Adriana was still around to enjoy Tarde Latina! (miss you!)

For those who read, feel free to comment if you wish!


jenjakob said...

Ya well If I didn't reach down and catch him things would have been worse. He'd of taken the plunge shoulder deep.


D said...

Nasty. Nobody likes to get peed on.

Jessica said...

Eeeww, gross.

ej said...

It's not as bad as you think. They call it UT, Urine Therapy. Sure, he may be psychologically traumatized, but peeing on your kids is healthy. It heals every illness.

So pee on brother! Just not on your sister... thanks.

**AR** said...

You never know what stories you are going to hear from the Jakobs!!!. That's why I am friends with you guys... crazy people look for crazy friends hahaha. I love you!!!!

and I wish I was there to party at TARDE LATINA!! and add some flavour to it. Maybe soon I will.