Sunday, February 04, 2007

I Can See It Now...

We have purchased a property in Val-des-Bois. It's a lovely piece of land on a small, private lake. It's beautiful. This year, we'll be enjoying the space for swimming and camping while we prepare for building. The building will probably be done over a period of a year or two. We're trying to find plans for a medium-sized cottage/cabin for our own use and for a rental. It'll be really nice to spend time their with the boys - fishing, swimming, hiking. Just down the road, there's a tubing hill as well. It's pretty close to Mont Blanc and a few other ski hills. When we went to sign some papers a couple weeks ago, the local restaurant, gas station and convenience store had not one car in the parking lots. All snow machines (commonly referred to as 'skidoos') or ATVs. I made Eric sell his 4-wheeler last summer so we could purchase a nice snowblower. A good switch if you ask me.

We hope to share this nice place with our friends and family (that means you, of course - no one else would look at this blog). Right now, it'll be a campout but one day I hope to have all the comforts of home (washing machine, internet hookup).

Ok - nothing to do with this entry BUT I just have to say that Eric put me in charge of taping the SuperBowl so he can have a midnight Superbowl Party at our house. This event usually causes me anxiety since I know that I'll probably be awake most of the night listening to men scarf down meaty sandwiches while watching football. Anyway, we're nearing the end of the second tape and I decided to edit the commercials. Only, I got carried away with this blog and kinda forgot to record once the game started. I remembered, jumped to record and not two minutes later a huge touchdown was scored. Whew! I would have suffered much wrath had I not recorded that touchdown. There would have been many groans in my house at 2:00am.


Wendy said...

We should have two family camp outs this summer - one on Manitoulin Island and one at Val-de-Bois. Looks beautiful - congratulations!

D said...

Your efforts were greatly appreciated. I scarfed down my meaty sandwich with nary a groan.

The lake property looks pretty sweet.

Jessica said...

I'm all up to doing all our summer camping on your nice piece of land this summer. PARTY...woo hoo!