Sunday, March 04, 2007


So, here are a few updates and photos.

Konrad is growing taller every day and doesn't have very many pj's so I decided to sew him some flannel pj pants. I made a matching pair for Anders. They're actually pretty simple to make - good thing for me!!! As for the other photos - Konrad loves his Leapster from G-ma and Poppa Jakob. We had to set time limits for a couple months but he's starting to diversify. The poor boy is sick right now. He hasn't eaten for 2 days, has a fever and brings up anything he tries to eat or drink - even the tylenol or advil I give him. Don't worry though, we're taking good care of him. The picture below shows Anders doing something he absolutely loves right now. He loves playing with animals. He'll do it for a LONG time.

You may have noticed the new items along the tab on the right. I've included a meal section. Since I am trying to cook lower calorie meals and am actually cooking good quality meals much of the time I thought I'd share. I like the recipes from the 'Crazy Plates' cookbook.

Oh - and in response to D's blog, my movie is Easy Rider and my leader is Mother Teresa.

Wish us health!

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