Saturday, May 19, 2007

Depressing Season Finales

So, what's the deal with depressing season finales? First, Grey's Anatomy. I am totally tired of George and Izzy's moping. It's painful to watch. And what's the deal with Meredith not wanting McDreamy? And THEN the show was topped off by Burke leaving Christina at the altar. These people are not normal. I know it's a show and must be entertaining but this goes beyond entertaining - this is just depressing. I can't believe that I anticipate watching this show every week - am I sadistic?

After Grey's Anatomy, I watched ER. Another depressing show. I don't remember all of the character's names but one guy has his legs amputated and then Neela gets trampled at a war demonstration. This was a sad ending to a sad night of TV but ER has had crazier storylines in the past. Someone's arm being severed by a helicopter, then a couple seasons later, a helicopter lands on this same individual. Helicopters had it out for this guy.

Should I stop watching. Probably. Will I? Hmmm...


Ryan and Katie said...

So I couldn't tell.... In Grey's Anatomy was Christina happy to be free or sad?!

Jessica said...

I have no idea. I think she's relieved she's not getting married but she's upset that Burke has left. But as a joke at work, we were talking about a flip ending and Burke leaving and not Christina.

OK this whole Meredith and Derek thing kind of came out of the blue...don't you think? It's almost like there's so much more to their relationship that we missed. I understand parts of why they are separating but they didn't illustrate that in the show too well.

I think it's wierd how Calie has to rub everything in Izzy's face. If you have to try that hard to keep your man, do not try and fix it by having a baby!

The whole Ava and Karev thing is what got me really going. Why oh why did he turn her away. Stupid boy.

What do you think about this whole Addison spin-off show. I think they're calling it Private Practice.

I'm a few episodes behind on ER so please don't tell me what happens. I already spoiled one episode and saw that what's his face (John Stamos)proposed to Neela.

Oh did anyone watch Survivor?? Oh my goodness...

And I can't believe I'm going to miss the Heroes and Lost season finales. Oh well, France is worth it.

44.5 hours to go!!

jenjakob said...

I think Christina was sad. Super sad.

Anonymous said...

BAHHHH !!! JEN!!!! you should have a disclaimer or something on there about if you haven't seen it yet not to read on. I've been to busy to watch TV lately so I've taped the past 3 weeks or so..... I'm still gonna watch them and I'll pretend that I'm surprised. Or maybe I'll pretend that I'm really smart and "guessing" what is going to happen when I watch it with Keenan. hummm...